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Narda.Pella believes that some of the key values to ensure

that we are successfully meeting your needs and

accomplishing our mission are :

  • Compassion: We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.  We are at different levels in this Christian journey; but God has provided the strong to help the weak in whatever ways necessary. The first step is compassion.  We meet you where you are and provide you with amazing resources to pull you up to Christ’s Stature and love.

  • Honor (each other’s time):  Narda. Pella believes strongly in honoring our word as bond. Our services and programs are all scheduled  to meet your needs in a timely fashion, but targeted enough to ensure we spend quality time on the essentials  for lasting solutions.  We will strive to ensure that you are always satisfied.  Be on time for your services,  remember there are others too.

  • Respect for each other:  We will always communicate with kindness. Period!  No Smoking; No Alcohol, No profanity.

  • Integrity:  We work hard to offer you quality services; quality products; authentic prices; authentic Christian experiences.

  • Support: Great customer service is vital for an authentic Narda.Pella experience.  We are friendly, courteous, and respectful. We endeavor to give you a custom tailored experience that will make you want to continue to choose us and more so God!

  • Transparency:  Deception is an art that we do not practice at Narda. Pella.  Our motto is God First! God Last! Love in between. We carefully curate our services and offer products to first please God and secondly to assist you in making far-reaching choices that will help you to grow in love with the lovely Jesus.  Every service, program, and product are specially crafted or chosen to help you become physically, mentally, socially and spiritually strong to meet today’s crises as you stand with Christ. 

Purple Orchid


The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.  


Proverbs 11: 3.


In all things shewing thyself a pattern

of good works:

in doctrine shewing un-corruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that

cannot be condemned;

that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.  


Titus 2: 7,8.

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