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An Unlikely Natural Disaster

Updated: Apr 13

They couldn't see clearly. The fog was as thick as the darkness of night, except it was early morning. People were up and about completing their morning routine. Mothers and fathers were dropping their children off at school; some were about to take a vacation, while others were on their way to work. How could they have known what would have happened that day?

Smoke and water vapor combined, creating a super fog. Smoke from marsh fires created a cloudy cocktail that blinded eyes and triggered a massive pile-up of metal and people. According to the news, eight people died and sixty-three people were injured on Interstate 55, in Louisianna, near New Orleans. A whopping 168+ vehicles slammed into each other helplessly, mostly ignorant of the danger ahead until it was too late. This was a natural disaster.

This massive multi-vehicle accident caused by this natural disaster is not the first of its kind to occur in this country or abroad. Some of you may remember that on Dec. 11, 1990, 33 years ago near Calhoun, Tennessee, a similar pile-up was caused by blinding fog that caused 12 deaths and 42 injuries. What about the 2015 fog-fare in Europe that caused such poor visibility, that over 2000 hours of flights were delayed? How many terrifying catastrophes were averted by the authoritative wise decisions to put people before profit?

A Trinidadian friend of mine was endeavoring to make a presentation to a church on how to survive during states of emergency and asked the question, "What is a natural disaster?" Many people supplied answers like hurricanes, floods, mudslides, and more. But there was one man who supplied an unlikely natural disaster that made the congregation erupt in peels of laughter. I couldn't help myself when I heard it and laughed when I remembered it for days. What did he say? Non-verbatim, this was his answer: A natural disaster is when a Christian man marries an ungodly woman who gives him hell.

"And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him." Isaiah 30:18 KJV

I laughed at the time, but I jotted it down for later ponderance because the answer while hilariously funny resonated in my mind as true. How many of us whether married or unmarried, Christian or non-Christian, young or old have been or are currently in a marriage or relationship that feels like a "natural disaster"? The deadly fog of infatuation has cleared and has revealed our rash decisions. We learn too late that we are unequally yoked and pray for a miracle!

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV

People when they have run ahead of God in relationships, usually say that Love is blind, but nothing is farther from the truth. Love if not pursued in haste but waited on patiently never leaves us blind-sided. God loves us and promises that He withholds nothing good from the upright Christian man or woman: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield... no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psalms 84:11 KJV

The Holy Spirit in sweet care for us shows us many red flags in relationships pre-marriage. If we don't allow ourselves to be blinded by the fog of lust, beauty, brains, brawn, and "right" words... sweet nothings that are contradicted by opposing behavior patterns, He helps us avoid many heartaches.

We say like Samson that he or she pleaseth me well... (Judges 14:3). But how much harder do we have to work for that which God did not provide! "Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walketh uprightly." Proverbs 15:21 KJV

"And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind?

Shall they not both fall into the ditch?" Luke 6:39 KJV

Satan too attempts to place a veil of fog over our spiritual discernment so that we may not see God's love for us. He offers us many deceptions hidden in sweet treats and we gullibly eat them up not knowing the depths of the harvest that we will reap. He paints God as the bad guy so that he may rape us of our sensibilities which then gives him more power to destroy our hopes and dreams of permanent salvation.

Let God lead in all affairs of the heart and every aspect of your life. When two blind

people are leading each other nothing short of a natural disaster follows. When we follow our inclinations we will fall into a ditch of perplexity, stress, pain, and more:

We are exposed to both spiritual and physical adultery, cheating, children born in broken homes, pre-mature single parenting, jealousy, narcissism, abuse in all forms, unnecessary divorces and separations, and many revelations that show that we are yoked with a person who lacks integrity.

Proverbs 24:3,4

There is but one way to avert or overcome our man-made disasters... WAIT upon the LORD. In waiting there is healing (Ps. 27:14; Psalm 25:21). In waiting faith grows (Romans 5:1-5). Patience blossoms and discernment matures into acts of obedience (Psalm 19:7-9, 11). Wise decisions lead to wise actions and wise actions lead to a legacy of better things (Philippians 1:6). Those better things create oases of joy... homes that are a reflection of Heaven and not hell (Proverbs 24:3,4). Wait upon the LORD...He has never forsaken the righteous... those who strive to please Him.

"I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in His word

do I hope." Psalms 130:5 KJV

   Song of Encouragement:

Previous Post: The Second Kiss Part 2

See you next time! Have an awesome day in the LORD...

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